We've all heard it growing up - "you have so much potential". While it seems like a compliment, more often than not it's actually a subtle insult. By simply saying “you have potential”, someone is implying that you're not good enough right now and that you may never be. To use potential as a measure of success is misguided and ultimately demoralizing.
Potential is complex and often misunderstood; everyone possesses it, but it is nothing without putting in the necessary work to bring it to life. Potential does not guarantee a certain outcome or level of success, and even if you fulfill your potential that doesn't necessarily mean you'll become successful. In other words, potential won't guarantee anything because hard work is what really matters.
When potential is used to describe someone, it's usually in regards to their ability or talent. But this is still limiting because potential is far more than a measure of natural talent; it's about how much work an individual is willing to put into something to achieve their goals. To use potential as a measure of success implies that you haven't done anything and are wholly reliant on luck or others.
At the end of the day, “potential” is an empty phrase. It should not be used as a barometer of success - what counts is taking steps towards reaching your goals. Hard work, determination, and dedication are far more important. Only when you put in the required effort and don’t give up can you expect satisfactory results. #YouCanDoIt #ItsAllAboutHardWork #SuccessStartsWithYou